Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
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About the Journal
The Journal of the Stylistic of Persian Poem and Prose (former Bahar-e-Adab) is an open-access monthly publication focusing on the specialized field of Persian prose and verse stylistics. Founded by Dr. Omid Majd, this private monthly magazine published its first issue in the autumn of 2008 and, with the valuable scientific credentials of esteemed members of the editorial board, as well as the rich and valuable articles submitted by distinguished researchers, it achieved a valuable scientific-research rating in the summer of 2009 after a year and a half. This journal follows the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and complies with the highest ethical standards by ethical laws. read more about this publication
Journal Metrics
Publication start year 2008
ISC Quartile Q2
ISC 0.152
Issue per year 12
Published articles in year 180
Acceptance rate (%) 18.6
Research papers 1,730
Article view 3,110,447
PDF download 1,383,379
No. of pages 36,330
No. of references 27,680
volume Number 12، ، issue Number 43 ، page Count 367 XML شناسنامه و فهرست مجله فارسی
  • 1 . New knowledge about Mani-ie kibollah vaTafsiroh Al-Manir

    • Hasan Anvari (Author in Charge), Marzieh Masihipour

    • Page 1-21
    The Book of Mani-ie kibollah vaTafsiroh Al-Manir, is an invaluable commentary on the works of Abu nasr-i Haddadi (dying after 400 AH). Recently, the old version of this book has been found which is time recorded at the end of its book, is the fourth ...
  • 2 . Paradox in the poetry of Islamic Revolution

    • Nematollah Iranzadeh (Author in Charge), Homayun Alidusti

    • Page 23-41
    Norm-evasion or structurebreaking is one of the most major methods of languge distinction and one of the considered subjects in the domain of literary critic. In this literary rule, the poet or writer (authar) tries to gain novel creations in poem an...
  • 3 . The Importance of Auto-Criticism in Literary Creativity

    • Yadollah Jalali Pandari (Author in Charge), Mehrdad Nosrati

    • Page 43-62
    The realm of criticism has been expanded in modern studies. Today, literary criticism is the continuation of a text and the text is not complete without it. Yet, a poet or a writer may criticize his text as the primary critic, while the litterateurs ...
  • 4 . The advantages of the Safine of Sa'eb in editing the Divan of Sana'i

    • Abolqassem Radfar (Author in Charge), Reza Khabbazha

    • Page 63-83
    The Safine of Sa"eb is a noticeable selection of poems belonging to different periods of Persian literature collected by Sa"eb Tabrizi. This collection shows the taste and admiration of the greatest poet of the Indian style and the litteraturs of the...
  • 5 . The grace of love and beauty in the works of Attar Neyshaburi

    • Sakine Rasmi (Author in Charge), Ali Hashemi Araghtou

    • Page 85-102
    The beauty worship school in the Islamic and Iran mysticism has been formed by the innovation of abu helman dameshghi in the early centuries of Islam period and has turned into one of the greatest mystical schools with using of the qur’anic points an...
  • 6 . The analysis of the structures of narrative, plot, and characters in JamisUsef and zuleka

    • Seyyed Ali Mohammad Sajadi (Author in Charge), Barat Mohammadi

    • Page 103-122
    The story of Usef and zuleka in Kuran referred to as “AHSAN ALGHSAS” which means “best of the stories” and in Persian literature many narrators and poets have taken advatages of its theme in figurative, allegorical, and cryptic and allusive forms or ...
  • 7 . A study of factors involved in the making of hyperboles in works of epic

    • Mohammad Reza Salehi Mazandarani (Author in Charge), Nasrollah Emami , Manuchehr Tashakori , Atefeh Nikmehr

    • Page 123-141
    Hyperboles and their effects have enormous presence in epics and their study is related to the “Elme-Badi’e”. We are accustomed with classifying hyperboles in three different groups. This classification alone does not suffice to show how they are piv...
  • 8 . Stylistics of Phenomena in Shahriyar Ghazlat

    • Naser Kazem Khanloo (Author in Charge), Ziba Esmaeeli

    • Page 143-162
    The skill and mastery of the Shahriyar in Persian poetry has always been studied in various aspects; from musical and weight to rhetorical structures, syntaxes and syntaxes, etc. Among these, Shriyar"s penetration should also be another field of art....
  • 9 . The analysis mental melancholic-cultural on prose texts (4-8 AH): to study spying

    • Mohammad Khodadadi, Mohammad Ali Gozashti

    • Page 161-180
    Spying is one of the issues being discussed and explored by the specialists of the intelligence-security system. The classical Persian prose texts (from the 4th to 8th centuries AH) provide a wide area of study in the field of information systems of ...
  • 10 . Analysis of the functions of allegory in children's and adolescent's poetry (60s,70,80)

    • Mohammad Kazem Kahduee (Author in Charge), Mahdieh Eslamiat , Mahmud Elham Bakhsh

    • Page 163-180
    Allegory makes the difficult thoughts and abstract concepts understandable for the children and adolescents by means of narration using both animate and inanimate characters. This indirect expression method, whose aim is a better transfer of meaning ...
  • 11 . The analysis mental melancholic-cultural on prose texts (4-8 AH): to study spying

    • Mohammad Khodadadi , Mohammad Ali Gozashti (Author in Charge)

    • Page 181-200
    Spying is one of the issues being discussed and explored by the specialists of the intelligence-security system. The classical Persian prose texts (from the 4th to 8th centuries AH) provide a wide area of study in the field of information systems of ...
  • 12 . A survey on different viewpoint of two group of persian poets to the same object, in this case "tomb"

    • Mahmood Modaberi (Author in Charge), Mohsen Shafiee Bafti

    • Page 201-220
    Researcher always praised "DOME" at least as a component that could solve the problem of multiplicity of stanchion in a wide area. in this essay we are going to study the role of "DOME" in the poems of five Persian poets that has been devided to two ...
  • 13 . The Metamorphosis of Mythical Characters in Mystical,Lyrical and Contemporary Types

    • Fetemeh Modaresi (Author in Charge), Rahim Kushesh , Saba Solukian

    • Page 221-240
    Each literary work contains a set of lexical, visual and literary arrays which distinguishes it from other similar works. These literary tricks are capable of evaluating and interpreting in various analytical devices. Language as a systematic device ...
  • 14 . An Analysis of some Techniques of Aesthetics in Sa'di's Ghazals

    • Mahboubeh Moslemizadeh

    • Page 241-258
    The secret of the influence and strength of Sa"di in his ghazals is his eloquence, fluency and clarity of speech despite his noticing to polish the words. The immeasurable grace of Sa"di"s poetry relies upon his considering the proportions of words a...
  • 15 . Comparision of literary style`s features in three books of Saljogh dynasty

    • Zarrin Taj Varedi (Author in Charge), Maral Shahbazi

    • Page 259-278
    Sixth and seventh centuries, in the evolution of history of Persian prose, are considered as the most important periods from the viewpoint of words, devices, literary compositions, and technical characteristics. The movement that began in the late si...
  • 16 . Stylistics of i Esmail Shahroodi’s Poem

    • Amir Hosein Hemmati (Author in Charge), Leila Khalili Sarafi , Hosein Khosravi

    • Page 279-297
    Esmail Shahroodi (Ayandeh), was a pioneer in contemporary new-poem and effective in socio-political poems. As one of the Nima Yushij’s real followers, he enthusiastically started twrite and publish his own poems in 1325. Therefore, to know modern Per...
  • 17 . Investigating Stylistic Features of “Majma-ol-Bahreyn”; The Asiri’s Poem

    • Ahmad Reza Yalameha (Author in Charge), Farahnaaz Emami Shahrezai , Omid Majd

    • Page 299-320
    Majma Albahrain is a ritual poetry collection which includes over 11400 bits. Although this collection has some unique characteristics including a very mature language, simultaneous classical and modern style, comprehensive description of Prophet Moh...
  • 18 . Content and Visual Study of Poems Composed by AbdiBeig Focusing on “Haft Akhtar” Poetry

    • Hanieh Sadri Majd , Ali Asghar Halabi (Author in Charge)

    • Page 321-340
    Contemplating on the thinking abilities and artistic minutes of art works is a giant pace for resuscitating and identifying precious heritage of Persian literature and the authentic and enriching culture rooted in the ancient history of Iran inter...
  • 19 . Comparative Study of loghat-nameh and Dibaj al-Asma

    • Mohammad Mansur (Author in Charge), Ali Asghar Eskandari , Esmail Shamushaki

    • Page 343-356
    From ancient times until now, writing bilingual dictionaries, particularly Arabic to Persian dictionaries, have been concerns of scholars in this field. The compilations of several dozen Arabic to Persian dictionaries that have existed from the fi...