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- آدرس کوتاه شده مقاله: https://bahareadab.com/article_id/1688
- کد doi مقاله: Doi: 10.22034/bahareadab.2024 .17 .7469
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 17،
number In Volume 6،
issue Number 100
Searching for the nature of debate, the best art of debate in Hamidi officials and indirect teaching of the practical course of life and its continuous form of education.
Fazlollah Rezaei Ardani (Author in Charge), Mehdi Sadeghi , Mahdieh Piri Ardakani
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The polemical nature of the debate is an indirect education that always remains in the mind due to the special way of expression and the increase of arguments and metaphors.
METHODOLOGY: This research investigates the place of debate technique in Hamidi officials and its indirect training in life issues with descriptive-analytical and testimonial method.
FINDINGS: Judge Hamiduddin Balkhi consciously used this method to express moral, scientific, religious issues, etc. The debates of the Hamid officials are a reflection of the confrontation between two or more characters; Instead of describing the characters and the length of the speech, the author tries to introduce them to the audience with their words and actions.
CONCLUSION: The author"s method in expressing the debate is about the fruitfulness, firmness and digestibility of words and the thinness of the meaning, and he uses a special precision in inventing the thought and its interpretation so that every phrase of the debate is related to each other in the frame of the verbal arrangement, and the grace and appropriateness of the words The speech moves towards the relevance of life issues and takes a step in the direction of educating the audience.
, indirect education
, life
, education
, Hamidi authorities.
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