Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 82

volume Number : 15
number In Volume : 12
issue Number : 82

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 15، number In Volume 12، ، issue Number 82

Introducing the text of the Shamayel al-Ataqiya and Razayel al-Ashqiya based on the way of Cheshtiye (a text from the 8th century)

Zahra Rahimi , Mohammad Rezaei (Author in Charge), Ghodratullah Khayatian


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The subject and background of the upcoming research is the introduction of the manuscript of Shamayel al-Ataqiya and Razayel al-Ashqiya by Roknoddin Dabir Kashani in the way of Cheshtiye. In Sufism attributed to elders and learned man Chesht, Chesht is a district in old Khorasan that has been an influential method not only in Iran but also in the Indian subcontinent. The mystical foundations of this Sufi tradition have been codified by popular elders and scholars including Moein al-Din Cheshti, Nezamuddin Olya, Burhan al-Din Gharib, and other great figures of this dynasty. A large part of Cheshtieh"s ideas and beliefs are in the form of "requirements" in the words of the elders and the masters of the aforementioned way, compiled by their disciples. In this essay, the main purpose is to investigate and deceit the views and thoughts of Sufism in this essay.

METHODOLOGY: The following essay, which has been conducted by descriptive-analytical method based on document analysis and library studies, and by reviewing the existing version of the Shamayel al-Ataqiya and Razayel al-Ashqiya, we will examine the thoughts of taste mysticism in these works.

FINDINGS: In the essay of "Shamayel al-Ataqiya and Razayel al-Ashqiya ", work of Rokn al-Din Kashan named "Spiritual Teacher" which is one of the Sufis of the aforementioned Sufis in the 8th century, the teachings and oral instructions of Sufi Cheshtieh have been written. The author has tried to convey the teachings of this way correctly. From the essay "Shamayel al-Ataqiya and Razayel al-Ashqiya", there is a stone print in 1968 AH. Hyderabad Deccan and several non-printed copies.

CONCLUSION: The results of this study indicate that paying attention to practical Sufism, cite, dignity, repentance, allegiance, communication, discipleship and awakening, purification and awakening, and Sama’ are among the things that Roknoddin Dabir Kashani has considered as the most important customs of The Way of Cheshtiya in his treatise.

Cheshtiye , 8th century prose , Shamayel al-Ataqiya and Razayel al- Ashqiya , Rokuddin Kashani , Manuscript.

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