Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
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About the Journal
The Journal of the Stylistic of Persian Poem and Prose (former Bahar-e-Adab) is an open-access monthly publication focusing on the specialized field of Persian prose and verse stylistics. Founded by Dr. Omid Majd, this private monthly magazine published its first issue in the autumn of 2008 and, with the valuable scientific credentials of esteemed members of the editorial board, as well as the rich and valuable articles submitted by distinguished researchers, it achieved a valuable scientific-research rating in the summer of 2009 after a year and a half. This journal follows the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and complies with the highest ethical standards by ethical laws. read more about this publication
Journal Metrics
Publication start year 2008
ISC Quartile Q2
ISC 0.152
Issue per year 12
Published articles in year 180
Acceptance rate (%) 18.6
Research papers 1,730
Article view 3,110,479
PDF download 1,383,393
No. of pages 36,330
No. of references 27,680
Editorial Board فارسی

    Introducing the editorial board of universities inside Iran

  • Managing Director

    Dr Omid Majd

    associated of persain literature and language at Tehran university
    Dr. Majd obtained a PhD in Persian Language and Literature from the University of Tehran in 2003, and now he teaches Persian Grammar and Stylistics as an associate Professor in the Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Tehran. He has been the director in charge of Journal of Stylistics of Persian Poetry and Prose since 2008. Dr. Majd has also collaborated with numerous journals as a member of the editorial board; Including Quarterly Journal of Comparative Literature Studies (2014-2020), Journal of Quranic Studies (2014-2020), Journal of Literature & Interdisciplinary Research (2017-2020), survey in teaching humanities (2018-2021), and the workbook of literary text in Iraqi career (2019- 2021). He had composed and published nearly eighty thousand couplets of poem; Including poetic translation of Holy Quran, Nahj-ul-Balaqa, Sahifeh Sajadieh, and three poetry collections including Niayesh Nameh, Ashura, and Collection of Lyrics. his most significant academic works include 9 titles of books in the field of Persian language and literature, focusing on Persian grammar and its teaching. Publication of 46 articles in domestic and international journals, and guidance and consulting of more than 50 theses, are a part of academic achievements of Dr. Majd’s scientific and research activities at the University of Tehran.
  • Editor

    Professor F. Modarresi

    professor of persain literature and language at Urmia University
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    Dr. Modarresi was graduated from the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies with a PhD in Persian language and Literature, and she is currently a faculty member of University of Urmia as a Full Professor. She has experienced several executive positions; Including director of Department of Persian Language and Literature in University of Urmia (1989-1997), and Research Assistant of Faculty of Literature and Humanities in University of Urmia (1999-2000; 2005-2011). In addition to membership in management and executive committees of University of Urmia such as the Audit Board (untill 2004) and two courses of membership in the Publishing Council of University of Urmia, Dr. Modarresi has always had a effective performance in domestic and foreign scientific associations including membership in the National Association of Persian Language Teachers, Iranian Association of Promotion of Persian Language and Literature, Iran Academy of Literary Criticism, Indian Association of Persian Language Teachers. In addition to publishing 38 book titles, she has published more than 330 research articles in numerous journals including Journal of the Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Literary Studies, Nama-i Farhangistan, Farhang, National Studies Quarterly, Journal of Comparative Literature, Literature History, and etc. Dr. Modarresi, through years of research in the field of Persian language and literature, achieved numerous scientific and cultural honorsand awards from governmental and non-governmental institutions, such as the Famous Iranian Woman in the famous Iranian women festival by the Presidential Office (1999), Best Translator Award (2000), Best Researcher Award (2007), the National Best Researcher Award by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (2009), National Elite Awards (2011), Best Researcher and Writer Award from the Department of Culture and Islamic Guidance (2012). She has selected as the best researcher of the university for 15 times during her scientific performance in University of Urmia (1999- 2015). Her book entitled as “Descriptive Lexicon of Literary Criticism and Theories” selected as one of top five books in Jalal Al-Ahmad Literary Award Festival (2012).
  • Editor Board Member

    Manochehr Akbari

    professor of persain literature and language at Tehran university
    Dr. Manouchehr Akbari was graduated from Tarbiat Modares University in 1991 with a PhD in Persian Language and Literature. He had numerous executive experiences along with his scientific and research activities; Including Vice President for Research and Education (Shahid Bahonar University), Vice President for Education (Faculty of Literature, University of Tehran), Head of the Faculty of Literature (University of Tehran), Head of the Encyclopedia Foundation of Iran, Head of the Specialized Commission for Humanities (2015-2017), membership in the Central Audit Board of the Specialized Commission on Humanities (2015-2017), membership in the Central Audit Board of Humanities and Arts (2015-2017), membership in the Central Audit Board of Allameh Tabataba'i University and Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, head of the Scientific Committee of the National Persian Language and Literature Olympiad (2017-2020), Head of the Specialized Commission of Humanities of Arak University (2019-2021), membership in the Audit Board of Arak, Lorestan, and Bu Ali Sina Universities, and membership in the board of directors of the Persian Language Teachers Association. In addition to the books written and collected by Dr. Akbari, he has published numerous articles in domestic and international journals; Including Journal of the Faculty of Letters and Humanities (University of Tehran), Journal of the Faculty of Letters and Humanities (Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman), Journal of the Faculty of Letters and Humanities (University of Tabriz), Journal of the Faculty of Letters and Humanities (University of Shahrekord), Adineh (Quarterly Journal of Humanities), Journal of Private Law Studies, Journal of Philosophy (University of Tehran), Quarterly Journal of Art, Journal of Resistance Literature, Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric, Ganjine-ye Asnad, Journal of Literary Research, Adab Pazhuhi (University of Guilan), and Journal of Research in Persian Language and Literature. Dr. Akbari has always shared his studies with the scientific community by participating in domestic and international conferences; Including 7th International Conference on "Persian Language and Literature Research" (Hormozgan, Iran), Conference on "Iranian Studies in France"; Past Experience and Future Prospects (Paris, France), National Congress of Islamic Revolution Literature (Tehran, Iran), 6th National Conference on Literary Research (Tehran, Iran), 3rd and 4th National Conference on Persian Literature (Tehran, Iran), and 6th National Congress of Resistance Literature.
  • Editor Board Member

    Professor M. Fazilat

    professor of persain literature at Tehran university
    Dr. Fazilat was graduated from University of Tehran in 1991 with a PhD in Persian Language and Literature, and he is currently a faculty member of University of Tehran in the same field. He has also been a member of the National Association of Persian Language and Literature since 2001. In addition to compile and translate several books in Persian language and literature, Dr. Fazilat has published numerous articles in various national and international journals, including Journal of the Faculty of Literature and Humanities of University of Tehran, Literary Studies, Arabic Literature Bulletin, ZANCO (Journal of Humanity Sciences), Journal of Persian Language, Journal of Resistance Litrature, and the Journal of Language and Translation Studies. He has always had a significant performance in scientific and research societies in the field of Persian language and literature by attending domestic and foreign conferences, such as participation and lecture at the Persian Language Teachers Conference in India, Conference on the Record of One Hundred Years of Persian Women's Poetry and the sixth National Conference on Literary Research in Tehran.
  • Editor Board Member

    Professor A. Seyf

    professor of persain literature and language at Tehran university
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    Dr. Seyf was graduated from University of Tehran in 2000 with a PhD in Persian Language and Literature, and he is currently a faculty member of University of Tehran in the same field. Membership in the founding board of the International Association of Comparative Literature (1987-1988), membership in the International Association of Persian Language and Literature Teachers (1982-1989), and membership in the Educational Planning Council of University of Tehran are some examples of his executive activities. In addition to authoring 7 book titles, Dr. Seyf has published valuable compilations and translations in the field of Persian language and literature, including more than 50 research articles. Here are some of the most important domestic and foreign publications in collaboration with Dr. Fazilat: Sina, Journal of University of Lebonan(CRESH), Journal of Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Research in Persian Language and Literature, Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric
  • Editor Board Member

    Professor A. Tamimdari

    professor of persain literature and language at Allameh Tabatabaei university
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    Dr. Ahmad Tamimdari was born in 1944 in Tehran. He is a full professor of Persian language and literature, and has been a faculty member of Allameh Tabatabai University since 1979. In addition to teaching and research, Dr. Tamim Dari has also assumed some executive and managerial responsibilities; Including administering the Faculty of Literature and Humanities of Shahid Beheshti University (1982- 1985), the Department of Persian Language and Literature of Shahid Beheshti University (1982- 1985), the Faculty of Persian Literature and Foreign Languages of Allameh Tabatabai University (1987), and the Department of Persian Language and Literature of Allameh Tabatabai University (1996). Dr. Tamim Dari was the director of Iran Pakistan Institute of Persian Studies (1987- 1990), and now he is the head of Persian Literature Research Center of Allameh Eqbal Lahouri. He has also been the vice president for Education and Research of Allameh Tabatabai University for several periods. As Dr. Tamim Dari expanded his international activities, he was invited to Bangladesh to teach at Dhaka State University from 1997 to 1999, and also invited to the University of Warsaw to teach in the Department of Iranian Studies (2005). In addition to writing several valuable books, he has always paid attention to the translation of English literary sources. One of his most important research collaborations with non-academic centers is his participation in the "Persian Language and Literature in Asia Minor" project, under the authority of the Academy of Persian Language and Literature.
  • Editor Board Member

    Dr. B. Payamani

    associated of persain literature and language at Payam Noor University
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    Dr. Payamani was graduated from University of Tehran in 1991 with a PhD in Persian Language and Literature, and she is currently a faculty member of Payam-e-Noor University of Tehran in the same field. She has experienced several executive positions; Including director of Department of Persian Language and Literature (2011-2014), and Department of Arabic Language and Literature (2011-2014) at Payam-e-Noor University of Tehran. Dr. Payamani has always had a dynamic and active presence during her scientific and research activities; Her effective membership in comnunities such as the Specialized Council for Graduate Studies in Persian Language and Literature (Payam-e-Noor University of Iran), Supervisory Committee of Publications of Payam-e-Noor University (Tehran Province), Research Council of Payam-e-Noor University (Tehran Province), Cultural Council of Payam-e-Noor University (Tehran Province), Specialized Council of Departments of Persian Language and Literature and Departments of Arabic Language and Literature (Payam-e-Noor University) confirms this fact. Also collaboration with various non-academic centers, including Development of Persian Language and Literature Council, and Persian Language Research Institute indicates the wide range of Dr. Payamani’s research activities. She had also participated in some competitive events, in order to promote the scientific achievements of students; For example, she judged the 5th National Festival of Motion in the provincial stage (2012-2013), and the 7th National Festival of Motion in the national stage (2013-2014), and also judged the selection of the best student in the provincial stage (2010-2012).
  • Editor Board Member

    Dr. F. Davoudi Moghadam

    Associate Professor Department of Persian Language and Literature, Shahed University
    Dr. Davoudi Moghadam was graduated from University of Tehran in 2003 with a PhD in Persian Language and Literature. She had been a faculty member of University of Tehran (1997-2005), Islamic Azad University of Saveh (1999-2001), and University of Arak (2002-2005), and she has also been a member of the Department of Persian Language and Literature at Shahed University since 2008. Dr. Davoudi Moghaddam had also been teaching Persian to foreign students for some time in the Dehkhoda Institute. She was a faculty member of Institute of Humanities and Social Studies(ACECR) and has conducted several research projects in this institute. Also, membership in the Scientific Board of the Islamic Encyclopedia Foundation, as well as reviewing and writing articles in the Great Islamic Encyclopedia are examples of his extensive research activities. Dr. Davoudi Moghadam has published several book titles and participated in various research projects, including edition of the “Book of Poems” attributed to Imam Ali, The devil in the collection of “Mystics' View”, compilation, edition and typological analysis of “Dah Nameh” texts in Persian literature, structural and semantic critique of Amirkhani’s fiction, stylistics of post modern lyric poems, semiotics and semantics of Quranic stories, and critique and analysis of Attar Neyshabouri's prayers. She also has published more than a hundred articles in various literary fields some of which have been praised at various festivals, including best article of Imam Reza Festival (2013), Best Article Special Award of Conference on Innovation in Arts and Humanities (Istanbul, 2015), best article of Attar Neyshabouri Conference (Neyshabour, 2016), best article of the Second National Conference on Recognition of Khorasan Celebrities (2017). Dr. Davoudi Moghadam has always had an effective performance in research society through articipating in various national and international scientific associations and educational courses, including membership in the Association of Persian Language and Literature Teachers, Iranian Literary Criticism Association and the Association of Persian Language Promotion, and holding an educational course on the literature of the Islamic Revolution for PhD and postdoctoral students in Jawaharlal Nehru University (Delhi, 2013), and an educational course for Persian language and literature teachers in Univeristy of Dhaka (Dhaka, 2015).
  • Editor Board Member

    Professor H. Dabiran

    professor of persain literature and language at kharazmi University
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    Dr. Dabiran was graduated from University of Tehran in 1985 with a PhD in Persian language and literature. She became a member of Academy of Persian Language and Literature in 1971 and maintained as a researcher until 1984. She had also been a faculty member of the department of Persian language and literature of University of Tehran from 1975 to 1979. Dr. Dabiran has been a faculty member of the department of Persian language and literature in Kharazmi University since 1984. She had various executive authorities including the director of the department of Persian literature in Kharazmi University (1984-1985), educational assistnat in Al-Zahra University (1985), and president of Al-Zahra University (1985-1988), research assistant of Kharazmi University (1990- 1994), president of the International School of Persian language and Literature in Payam-e-Noor University (1990- 1994), educational assistant of Kharazmi University (2011-2013). Academy of Persian Language and Literature (1974), Ministry of Culture and Education (2000), National Scientific Research Council, and National Researchers Support Fund are some of non-university centers that have collaborated with Dr. Dabiran in research projects. She participated in numerous foreign conferences in India, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Germany, including lectures in annual seminar for Persian language teachers in India for seven courses (1984-2001), participation and lecture at the Persian Language and Literature Conference in the Indian subcontinent (2008), Teaching in University of Punjab (1988-1990), retraining Persian language teachers throughout the Indian subcontinent (1993), and holding a course in University of Putra (U.P.M.) (2003-2005). Her performance in domestic conferences includes membership and secretary of the scientific committee of “Akhtar Charkh Adab Seminar, in honor of Parvin Etesami” in University of Tehran, holding and membership in the scientific committee of the first “Research Outcomes Seminar” in Kharazmi University (1992-1993), membership in the Board of Directors of the fifth “Conference on Literary Interaction between Iran and the World” (2007), membership in the “Council of the Saadi Foundation” (since 2013), and membership in the scientific committee of many other events such as National Congress of Humanities, “Conference in honor of King of Malekushoara Bahar” (2004), “Conference on the 1100th anniversary of Rudaki's birth” in University of Tehran, “Rumi Commemoration Conference (Fiction)” (2007). Dr. Dabiran had also an effective performance in educational planning and management by membership in professional Committee of Literature of Department of Humanities of the Ministry of Culture and Education (1989- 2008), membership in the “Language and Literature Planning Team” of Supreme Council for Cultural Revolution (1985-2002), membership and secretary of the "Professional Committee of the State Medal of Persian Literature" (2007), and the professional Committee of the Department of Persian language and literature of Kharazmi University (2010-2012). In addition to perfect proficiency in English and Arabic, Dr. Dabiran is also proficient in reading Urdu and Malay texts and has published valuable book titles such as “A Brief Trilingual Dictionary in Persian, Malay and English” (supervised by the Malaysian Language Academy), and a book of poems entitled as “From the Survival Fountain”. She has also published numerous articles in various journals including Persian Language and Literature, Literary Studies, Literary Research, Research in Persian Language and Literature, Journal of Women in Culture and Arts, asnd Safineh (University of the Punjab). She has been repeatedly praised by governmental and non-governmental organizations for her research activities and efforts to spread the Persian language and literature, such as her selection as the best professor by the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran (1998), certificate of appreciation from the director of the department of Persian Language in University of the Punjab (due to her teaching courses in University of the Punjab and promoting Islamic culture), acknowledgment of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Malaysia (due to her efforts in promoting Persian language and literature in Pakistan).
  • Introducing the editorial board of universities outside Iran (international)

  • Editor Board Member

    Professor J. Khaleghi Motlagh

    professor of persain literature and language at University of Hamburg
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    Dr. Jalal Khaleghi Motlagh was born at 1937 in Tehran. He attended in academic courses in Germany, and was graduated from University of Cologne in 1970 with a PhD in Orientalism, Anthropology and Ancient History. He have been teaching Persian language and literature at the University of Hamburg since 1350. He was a member of the Scientific Board of the International Millennium Congress of Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh for a while, and currently he is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Ferdowsi Foundation. Dr. Khaleghi Motlagh conduct extensive research in the field of Iranian epic literature and espacially Shahnameh. which resulted in valuable publications including compiled and translated books, along with the publication of more than a hundred articles and reviews on Iranian history, culture and literature (especially in the field of Shahnameh and epic literature). Dr. Khaleghi Motlagh also has authored dozens of entries in encyclopedias such as Iranica and the Great Islamic Encyclopedia. His research articles have published in numerous journals such as Simorgh, Literary Studies, Iran Nameh, Iranshenasi, Kelk, Nameh Iran Bastaan, and etc. In addition, he has published two collections of his articles entitled as “Gol Ranjhaaye Kohan” (Ancient Suffering Flowers) and “Sokhanhaaye Dirineh” (Ancient Speech) in Tehran. The most important achievement of Dr. Jalal Khaleghi Motlagh is the edition of Ferdowsi's Shahnameh in eight books with textual critique, which was published in New York from 1987 to 2007 under the supervision of Ehsan Yarshater, and is the most credible edition of Shahnameh in the world. This collection was compiled during more than thirty years of his continuous efforts in collecting and examining the oldest manuscripts of Shahnameh and confronting them by following modern methods of textual critique. His edition of Shahnameh was reprinted in 2008 by the Center for the Great Islamic Encyclopedia in Tehran.
  • Editor Board Member

    abdolkarim ali abdolhamid jaradat

    professor of persian literature and language at University of Ale beyt, jordan
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  • Editor Board Member

    Samer Alahmad

    Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Lebanese University, Beirut
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  • Editor Board Member


    professor of persain literature and language at University of Atatürk
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