Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
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About the Journal
The Journal of the Stylistic of Persian Poem and Prose (former Bahar-e-Adab) is an open-access monthly publication focusing on the specialized field of Persian prose and verse stylistics. Founded by Dr. Omid Majd, this private monthly magazine published its first issue in the autumn of 2008 and, with the valuable scientific credentials of esteemed members of the editorial board, as well as the rich and valuable articles submitted by distinguished researchers, it achieved a valuable scientific-research rating in the summer of 2009 after a year and a half. This journal follows the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and complies with the highest ethical standards by ethical laws. read more about this publication
Journal Metrics
Publication start year 2008
ISC Quartile Q2
ISC 0.152
Issue per year 12
Published articles in year 180
Acceptance rate (%) 18.6
Research papers 1,730
Article view 3,110,441
PDF download 1,383,374
No. of pages 36,330
No. of references 27,680
volume Number 11، ، issue Number 41 ، page Count 386 XML شناسنامه و فهرست مجله فارسی
  • 1 . Introducing Kashmiri's View And Analysis of Traces and His Poetry

    • Zahra Ekhtiari(Author in Charge), Soheyla Moradgholi

    • Page 1-20
    Binesh Keshmiri is one of the Persian language poets of the blooming era of Persian Language and literature in the Indian Subcontinent, who brought a series of invaluable pieces of him, while no one has determined accurate information of the spec...
  • 2 . Improving the fit of behavior and speech of the protagonists of the story with their personality characteristics from the style of novelty of the 1380s

    • Bahador Bagheri(Author in Charge), Mohammad Hossein Abdollahi, Nasergholi Sarley, Shahrzad Mohammadzadeh

    • Page 21-40
    One of the levels of stylistic studies is the level of thought or content of any literary work, For example, at this level, we find that a poet or writer is extroverted, introverted, philosophical, mystical, religious, or non-religious. Story rea...
  • 3 . Investigation on irony in the Poetical works of Massoud ebn Saad Salman

    • Hojat Tavassoli(Author in Charge)

    • Page 40-60
    Irony is one of the most important tools to avoid words and meanings and imagery speech intelligibility and circumlocution and also more effective if it is covered and leave the talking for clear, concise and effective expression in speech and wri...
  • 4 . Methodology of Seyed Ali Jebel Ameli's Poems

    • Mohammad Hakim Azar(Author in Charge), Bahman Allami, Asghar Rezapurian

    • Page 61-79
    Getting Knowledge about hidden aspects of literary works is possible by studying how they are created. Seyed AliReza, son of Seyed Mosaed Jebel Ameli,whose pen-name is Mehri ans Seyed and known as Mehri Arab(bron 1050- died?) is a powerful but unk...
  • 5 . The effect of Najiboddin Jorbazaqani’ poetry on Hafez’s Poetry

    • Maryam Haghi(Author in Charge)

    • Page 81-100
    Malek-o-Shshoara Najiboddin Jorbazaqani (Golpaygani) is one of the great and unknown persian poets of the late sixth and early seventh century that his poems were praised because of its beauty and fluency. Many of vocabulary, composition, terms an...
  • 6 . Personal Style of Shahrad Midari’s Poem

    • Hoseyn Khosravi(Author in Charge), Mehdi Kazemi, Mazaher Nikkhah

    • Page 101-120
    Lyrics is one of the most functional forms of Persian poem. This form has been considered in different periods of Persian poem by the poets. After Islamic Revolution of Iran, The poets showed a new interest to the lyric so that their thought and ...
  • 7 . The expansion of the word or phrase

    • Khorshid Nowrouzi(Author in Charge)

    • Page 121-140
    The expansion of the word or phrase is the extension of the circle of meanings of words and phrases, as well as the desire for the association of new meanings and the imposing of the burden of meaning on the words at present and speech. Sadi"s...
  • 8 . Studied psychology in Shahnameh heroes

    • Mohamad Ali Davood abady(Author in Charge), Zeinab Bagheri, Ali Sarvar Yaghobi

    • Page 141-161
    Ferdowsi"s Shahnameh is unique in many ways. And is written in kind of style that Less book can be compared with this amazing artical. This huge work is the first fiction book, Where the character elements has been studied carefully.Despite writi...
  • 9 . Similes and metaphors in terms of command in Vis and Ramin

    • Ahmad Zakeri, Narges Kusiaee(Author in Charge)

    • Page 163-181
    Literary science knowledge is different from most scholars . This science will help us to be able to tell true and correct. And then get to create literary and literary enjoyment. All sciences are linked literary and complement each other and give...
  • 10 . The Fantasy Stories of the Eighties from the Perspective of Mariya Nicholayeva's

    • Emran Sadeghi, Bijan Zoheyri(Author in Charge), Ebrahim Ranjbar, Khodabakhsh Asadollahi

    • Page 183-203
    In this research we have tried to study the selected stories of the eighties in terms of the ideas of Maria Nikolayeva. Nikolayeva, an instrument that narrative can provide us with for the study of children"s storytelling literature. He describes ...
  • 11 . The role of contrast in the structure of odes in Nasser khosrow book of poems

    • Gholamali Fallah, MohamadReza Irvani(Author in Charge), Habibollah Abbasi, Hamid Abdollahian

    • Page 205-224
    One of the fundamental performances of the human mind is the creation of contrasts, that deep learning of religions and philosophical schools have formed on the basis of contrasts. Most of the Islamic precepts and its different sects have resulted...
  • 12 . The Vamegh and Azra masnavi written by Asiri and its style based on unique version found in Fateh library in Istanbul

    • Alireza Ghujeh Zadeh(Author in Charge), Sedighe Jayervand, Masomeh Khodadadi

    • Page 225-245
    Asiri is one of the skilled poets of 10 h lentury and poets of ottoman court that has remained unknown in spite of her creativities and poetry joy. Asiri in following with Nezami has composed a pentad that his fifth couplet – poem, “Vamgh and Ozr...
  • 13 . Hafez, Biddle and metaphorical structure

    • Mir Jalalodin Kazazi(Author in Charge), Abutaleb Bajolvand

    • Page 247-265
    The aim of this study is evaluating the metaphorical structure of Hafez and Biddle. In other words this study will show their structures via the similarities and differences with each other. The results show that in additional of pharmaceutical el...
  • 14 . The Concept of New Novel in France and the Misapprehensions of Persian Writers

    • Ebrahim Mohammadi(Author in Charge), Maryam Afrafar

    • Page 267-288
    In this article we tried to explain about the concept of new novel and it’s features, and then briefly reviewed new novel in Iran in terms of it’s parameters, to see whether Persian writers have understood the exact and accurate concept of western...
  • 15 . The likelihood and frequency of its use in the poems ofMohammad Reza Shafiei Kodkani

    • Mohtasham Mohammadi(Author in Charge), Bashir Alavi

    • Page 289-309
    The simile as the main element of imagination plays a significant role in creating a variety of poetic images. Shafiei Kotkani is also a portrayalist poet who, through this element, takes on the field of fantastic imagery. In this research, his po...
  • 16 . The Association of Intellectual Ups and Downs of Mystics about Life and Death with Aesthetic Basics of Creative Prose of Sophia

    • Nasrin Musavand(Author in Charge), Hakimeh Dabiran

    • Page 309-328
    The issue of life and death has long been one of the main concerns of human mind so far, and has provided a suitable platform for researchers of various religions as well as mystics. Creative prose texts of Sophies which are categorized as chimeri...
  • 17 . An Intellectual Study and Comparison of Erdavirafnameh and Alghofran

    • Ali Heydari(Author in Charge), Noorodin Bazgir, MohammadReza Hasani Jalilian, Ali Noori Khatunbani

    • Page 331-350
    The themes of the stories related to travel to the next world show the point of the ideas and beliefs of writers and nations as the foundation of such works. By comparing the thoughts and ideas raised in such works, we can lay open the thoughts an...
  • 18 . Style and grammatical structure of sentences incomplete in Masnavi

    • Mohammad Paknahad(Author in Charge), Akbar Shamloo

    • Page 351-375
    in searching for attractivity of Masnavi, the role of language and grammar can not be ignored .structure and semantics are so interwoven in Masnavi that they can not be imagined being different.The grammatical construction of Persian language in M...
  • 19 . ---

    • Page 415-432