Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 64

volume Number : 14
number In Volume : 6
issue Number : 64

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 14، number In Volume 6، ، issue Number 64

The Aesthetic functions and poetic style of adjectives in Attar Neyshaburi's lyrics

Zhila Asadi , Jalil Mashidi (Author in Charge), Zahra Rajabi


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: An adjective is a word that binds noun to itself and explains about it. Poets use a powerful tool called adjective to express their deepest feelings. In literary works, especially poetryو The adjectives appear in rhetoric rather than in grammar, and reveal the hidden points of the writers mental. Expressive adjectives in Attar"s lyric poems have many rhetorical, aesthetic and stylistic values ​​that are important both in terms of content and coherence of the text and in terms of determining the style of lyric poems.

METHODOLOGY: The present research is a theoretical study that has studied these ambiguities in a library manner, analyzing artistic-aesthetic functions, find out a proportional relationship between these functions and Attar"s personal style.

For this purpose, the expressive adjective of the first 400 his lyric poems have been studied based on the rhetorical functions of stylistics.

FINDINGS: The Attar"s lyric poetry is one of the most glorious literary works in which descriptive compositions, while simple, have cryptic ambiguities that make them difficult to understand. In this research, have been found some manifestations of the aesthetic applications of adjectives in poetry, such as the equivalent adjective, the distinctive adjective, and so on, which have not been mentioned in literature works and grammatical-rhetorical researches of adjectives and worth considering.

CONCLUSION: The results show that the Attar"s style lyrics in artistic application of adjectives, has been an intermediate style between a content and expression styles of the language and it has the most obvious rhetorical application to creation musical effects. Also the allegories in these lyric poems have an essential role in the coherence of the longitudinal axis; In such a way that the correct receipt of the concept depends on the correct receipt of the allegories.

Stylistics , Aesthetics , Rhetoric , Adjective , Attar , Lyrics

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